martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Stress, stress, stress...

Stress is what you notice when you react to pressure, either from the outside world is the inner self

Stress, contrary to popular belief, is a body's natural defense against extreme situations we face every day, but when an over-accumulation of stress you wind up collateral health problems can become quite serious.

Stress affects all organs and body functions. When we are stressed we feel
Depression or anxiety, back pain, constipation or diarrhea, depression, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, problems relating to others, shortness of breath, stiff neck, upset stomach, increase or decrease in weight, nervousness and sexual dysfunction.

Known treatments can be: physical exercise, psychotherapy, tranquilizers or antidepressants (all prescribed by a doctor)

Stress is a normal reaction of the lives of people of all ages. Is produced by the body's instinct to protect the physical or emotional, in extreme situations, or danger.

Any event that generates an emotional response, can cause stress. This includes both positive situations, and negative (job loss, death of a relative). Stress also arises from minor irritations.

Stress can severely affect a person at work, because the person fails to work properly, he/she is not totally focused on what he/she is doing, they can make many mistakes and reduce the productivity of labor.

Chileans usually handle stress trying to avoid it, believing that one is tired, not knowing that stress is diagnosed as a disease. Some choose to take medical leave to rest or go to psychologists.

Situations that cause stress in a person may be insignificant to another.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that the ask for "papelillo" of our clasemate is caused by the stress.
    I hope not fall in that extreme case. xD

    Kiss xoxoxooxoxox!

  2. Hi Naty: I think that the people should take more seriously the stress because this disease damages their health.
    Well I expect that you are O.K after the test of yesterday.
    See you soon.
