miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The Neuronal Growth In Babies

For a long time, scientists have tried to gather much information to explain the early knowledge of the early years of children: the early years are very important and crucial for the baby in your future and for life (we're talking growth neuronal) and actually, everything is decided at that specific age.

Some physiological phenomena that take place during brain development can, lead to beliefs that the critical learning stages occur between birth and age three.

Neurons are the basic component of information processing in the brain. Humans have 100 billions of them which are interconnected. Thus, information can circulate in several directions at the time. This process is known as synapses.

All synapses allow an increase of knowledge and an ability to learn, which suggests that as children we can have a huge number of synapses, both to strengthen or weaken the knowledge.

All this is explained as described in the research, as an adult compared to a baby, the number of synapses is low. After 2 months old, the baby gradually increased the number of synapses in your brain. (Synapses than an adult's very fast with a peak of ten months) Now, is known that new neurons can appear at any point in a person’s life.

Something I had heard about these myths (musical stimulation "effect Mozzart" food, the environment, the special care that parents give their babies (special training to develop the intelligence) with all studies conducted during the first 3 years is primarily to have a good base for future life.

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