miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My hobbies :D

well, I don´t have many hobbies, but I like a lot listen music: whatever place and moment. it´s a moment of relax and sometimes I lost the notion of the time xd jajaj and I like very much read books, because it´s a way of teleport to the other world from my own house xD. I don´t have favorites tipes of book, but I really like romantics novels and suspense (well, terror too xD). About music I like many kind of music, I dont really have a favorite tipe of music, because it depend of the moment that I have)
I don´t know when I start doing this hobbies, but it´s something that I do since a long of time ago. it´s something natural xD jajaja but in this time, while I am at the University I just dont have time to doing this u.u
it´s no necessary a skills to do this hobbies, just take a time, search a good novel and music and relax doing this ;D I think I developed my way of reading, because before I read really slow, but now I can read a book really fast.
I don´t think read a book or listen music can be change the way I am, because my personality is something I developed since my childhood, (I think even before this) and not in the moment I learn read or write.
These hobbies make me closing to Humanistic side of myself and realized I dont just have my Biology side, but Humanistic too. with this vision I met a lot of people really cool with ideas so awesome. (by the way, I took in my school Humanistic elective and I don´t regret at all, because we never should regret of any desicion we took in our lifes)

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Naty: I like listen music and read too (we discuss this in the past class jajaja remember?) I agree with you that the type of music that you listen depends of the time when you do it.
    See you later. Take care of you. Bye

  2. You were Humanistic! aaagg jajajaja its a joke, i have a very high humanistic side. jajaja so don't problem. You girls like very much the same as I .
    So I see in english!

  3. Time, time
    There isn't time.
    All is about time.

  4. it seems with music you go crazy!!!
    well,me too sometimes, but never enough!!jaja
