miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

College of Midwives of Chile

I don’t have a favourite web site about my career that I visit a lot, but I found a link very interesting.


This web site has an actual information about this issues (national directory, regional councils, the origin and function of the College of Midwives of Chile, union agenda, it also speaks about the professional practice and there is also a place where there are publications made by the school.
in the current news on the page talks about a girl who had to give birth in the bathroom of Hospital San Jose because they found that the other women had more need than herself. Is incredible how this things still happens in a Hospital.

The web site has news that could serve to pregnant women at gestation, because they talk about chilean studies finding new benefits of natural childbirth, surveys about how is public service quality and other things.

Like I said before, I found quit interesting because there is much information that I could serve in the future when I will be working, there are publications of interest to read and is helpful for any questions that I have about certain issues about the pregnant women.

4 comentarios:

  1. naty! follow me :D:D im andrea from youre carrer! my blog is elblogdelaverovega.blogspot.com :D

    kisses! see ya

  2. Hi Naty: I also found this web site and found it very interesting too. I think that since today I visit this page (when I have time) to know more about the news.
    Is very shocking the new about what happen in the Hospital San Jose.
    Well Naty I expect that you are fine. See you.

  3. hi naty!
    well it seems that everobody chose this site,jje
    well, I think same too, about the birth in san jose hospital , it's terible and incredible these things happen in chile..

  4. Jé!
    I also used this web site, and I put the same as you. I'm suppose that we have the same opinion. UAJnuajUAJa.
    It is always interesting the new one's.
