miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Food, food, food

I like the topic about food, but is not my favourite´s xD
Well, I really like all kind of food (more less lentils, chickpeas, etc) but I enjoy eating Lasagna (the truth, I think there is no better food than my mother´s)

I don´t have a only place where to eat, but the restorant "Viña del Mar" is very delicious, they have a lot products from the sea and always are fresh.

when I eat a lot of chocolate I really fell guilty, but this is guilty pleasure, that I know I should not eat much, but I do it anyway xD. Same thing happens to me with ice cream, I don´t care if we are in summer or winter, but I always go to Bravisimo ;D (I supose all know this place xD)

this year a took a lot of Coffe (I know it´s not a food) but I regurlarly use it when I have a test the next day or I have to study to the next class. Coffee helps keep me more awake, but I must be careful not to overstep.

The junk food is awful to good health, but I like it anyway (same society encourages you to eat that kind of food every day)

My perfect diet is something healthy (salad or something with vegetables) and always always meat.

well, see you!

3 comentarios:

  1. waaaaUAJuajUAJUa

    Do you remember when we went to Cmaila's house?

    Coffe plus pizza plus french fried plus coke plus xxxX

    Long life to lipids!

  2. Hi Naty!!! I like the lasagna too is delicious and the mothers food rocks.
    Don't drink too much coffe because it's bad. jajaja
    Well Naty. See you later.
    PD: Today you are annoying and you know what I refer.

  3. HAHAH lasagna is my favorite food! <3 Lasagna rulez! xd
