domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Chile's bicentennial year

The Bicentennial was full of events. We started in February with an earthquake that devastated our country and that still echoes in our society, many people still unable to return to normal life (usually we forget these people and focus in others things)
in March we had a change of President, which is hard to believe that the winning side was "the right", because most voters are "the left" and even today many people protest against the injustices made by the new capitalist and elitist government.

Advancing in the year, to clarify in August, we have the most incredible story that reflected the effort and struggle of the Chilean, we all suffer with the accident of the miners, who were days (69 days exactly) pending the outcome of this story that seemed endless, until one day they sent a written paper that mean the miners were alive. It was very emotional for all Chileans, we feel proud to belong to a country so valiant as is Chile.

In September we opened the fireworks and we find the emotional, wonderful, fun, fantastic and fascinating projection in La Moneda, recreating our history in a few minutes and showing us that if we can have fun through this graphical representation, see our most remembered cartoon (Condorito) we hear poems from the voice of the man from the south, he is Pablo Neruda is a landmark in these two hundred years.

Showed all the contributions to the bicentenary, full of struggle, sacrifice, and profound changes, the knowledge of what we can do as Chileans continue through the week and we met with the hoisting of the giant Chilean flag , which is waving in front of La Moneda, and then with what is already a country tradition, the parade, displaying everything that Chile has in its arms and its military

To conclude, summarize and synthesize the bicentennial year, is to analyze what we have suffered natural disasters, we had a change of government, we suffer with the miners, which we raise spirits, strictly speaking, this year we have suffered from sweet and sour grapes, we unexpected goals like winning a World Cup after years of not happen, in short, has been a difficult year and bizarre, showing the good and bad of Chilean society, but with these facts and still living the year, I must say, it has been a year in events and generous knowledge, this was the bicentennial year

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Go to the cinema

I don´t focus on one type of film, we must learn to vary from time to time. I like thrillers, and I remain me very attentive to the film throughout the duration. Although I also like romantic movies (it could be better with a good company) or action movies as well.

Depends on the movie you want to see if I have to decide whether to go to the movies. Since both have their charm: If I see a movie at the cinema has to be a very good debut and I have waited long to see it, because the sound is spectacular in the cinema, the seats are comfortable. If you watch movies at home is because they are good but not excellent.

"The butterfly effect" is a movie that I love it!, the mere fact that the "beating of the wings of a butterfly in the ocean can create a huge hurricane in another part of the world" is a phrase that comes at the beginning of the film that sums covered by the film. You can see how there can be multiple worlds or dimensions that create realities and trying to change the present where you live you realize that the best reality that there is not the best option we had from the beginning. I recommend it completely.

I'm not a fan of Chilean films, I don´t know why really. Perhaps as the budget of the Chilean film is not like typical movies that we see in the movies brought from abroad, notes the difference between them. Also I like watching movies in foreign languages, learn to listen better.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The Neuronal Growth In Babies

For a long time, scientists have tried to gather much information to explain the early knowledge of the early years of children: the early years are very important and crucial for the baby in your future and for life (we're talking growth neuronal) and actually, everything is decided at that specific age.

Some physiological phenomena that take place during brain development can, lead to beliefs that the critical learning stages occur between birth and age three.

Neurons are the basic component of information processing in the brain. Humans have 100 billions of them which are interconnected. Thus, information can circulate in several directions at the time. This process is known as synapses.

All synapses allow an increase of knowledge and an ability to learn, which suggests that as children we can have a huge number of synapses, both to strengthen or weaken the knowledge.

All this is explained as described in the research, as an adult compared to a baby, the number of synapses is low. After 2 months old, the baby gradually increased the number of synapses in your brain. (Synapses than an adult's very fast with a peak of ten months) Now, is known that new neurons can appear at any point in a person’s life.

Something I had heard about these myths (musical stimulation "effect Mozzart" food, the environment, the special care that parents give their babies (special training to develop the intelligence) with all studies conducted during the first 3 years is primarily to have a good base for future life.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Stress, stress, stress...

Stress is what you notice when you react to pressure, either from the outside world is the inner self

Stress, contrary to popular belief, is a body's natural defense against extreme situations we face every day, but when an over-accumulation of stress you wind up collateral health problems can become quite serious.

Stress affects all organs and body functions. When we are stressed we feel
Depression or anxiety, back pain, constipation or diarrhea, depression, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, problems relating to others, shortness of breath, stiff neck, upset stomach, increase or decrease in weight, nervousness and sexual dysfunction.

Known treatments can be: physical exercise, psychotherapy, tranquilizers or antidepressants (all prescribed by a doctor)

Stress is a normal reaction of the lives of people of all ages. Is produced by the body's instinct to protect the physical or emotional, in extreme situations, or danger.

Any event that generates an emotional response, can cause stress. This includes both positive situations, and negative (job loss, death of a relative). Stress also arises from minor irritations.

Stress can severely affect a person at work, because the person fails to work properly, he/she is not totally focused on what he/she is doing, they can make many mistakes and reduce the productivity of labor.

Chileans usually handle stress trying to avoid it, believing that one is tired, not knowing that stress is diagnosed as a disease. Some choose to take medical leave to rest or go to psychologists.

Situations that cause stress in a person may be insignificant to another.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

As the saying goes: "when you want, you can do it" is just willpower and have a clear mind so that anyone can achieve all their goals.

To have a healthy life requires a daily record and a clear end goal. One must have a balance in everything you eat, drink plenty of water and one must do physical exercise, following a routine.

In regard to eating habits, it is critical that families begin at a young age, since they are the parents who give an example for their children.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle is not necessary to be restricted in places where you can walk (although away from the sites where they would sell more junk food, you could get away from the temptations) go to the beach for fresh air and pure.

in those places people should take light clothing and not so tight as to these days one tends to come off the diet and get some extra kilos.

In addition to keeping it healthy is good for mental health and people tend to be much happier with themselves, have a much more positive attitude about themselves and see the world with better eyes. The fact of sports and staying active help in different areas of life and you can open an infinite number of doors.
It is also very important to remember that society has an important ro
le on this issue and should be promoted even more (so far, "healthy lifestyle" is just a trivial topic as any other)

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

My Place

Well, actually I have no place to hide that I occupy too much (that would be my bedroom, really) because the places that come to mind are places that are too far away and if one day I say: "I take a break and get away from the world "(because I have no money to travel much or I dont have time) but I think I have a place where I usually go because, the truth, is I love too much and it´s my place of relaxation.

It is in the commune of Providencia and is called “Parque de las Esculturas”, at the northern edge Rio Mapocho, between Pedro de Valdivia and Lyon.

The truth is special because I have spent many things which are memorable and every time I go I can rest peacefully from the monotony life of Santiago. There one can find sculptures (that is where come the name, obviously) and it´s a very nice place with many green areas to take a little sun.

The truth I have not much time to go, but every time I go there I go with someone (now I'm usually with my boyfriend)

Since this is not a place to stay and live, I stay until my time permits or until they close the park. (Which is around 8 p.m)

The photo I put in the blog I'm in one of the sculptures, the truth is that all the sculptures are very nice (although some a bit unintelligible) and the foreigners come to take photos there (I also do, so I include myself in this group xD)

It is not a fancy place like the others, but I like it a lot ;D

well, this is it (:

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Music is life

I like listening to all kinds of music (I like to vary from time to time) but also it depends on the mood I have at the moment. I listen to rock, hip hop, indie, alternative, funk, pop, R & B, etc.

I get the music from the Internet, but I always usually see if any of my friends have music that I don´t know it and then I copy it.. If I have enough money, I buy the original CD. (Only if the group or singer I like too much)

I follow many groups, but I think the Black Eyes Peas and The Rasmus are one of the groups that I hear more than anything and I like their music (although their music is very different to each other) actually, I went to see them in the Urban Festival on November 16, 2006 in San Carlos de Apoquindo Stadium (the image is from that concert) there were also other groups like Ian Brown and The Bravery.

When I study I don´t like listen music, only if it's something relaxed or not distracted (like Coldplay, Damien Rice, Jem). When I'm happy I listen to music that makes me dance and sing very loud (like Juanes, Nelly Furtado, The Black Eyed Peas, Hot Hot Heat, etc) when I'm sad I like listening to soothing music and serene (like Coldplay, Lucybell, RadioHead, Keane, etc)

For me, music is something very important in my life, and that's what makes me move every day. It´s very difficult to me to walk with my headphones and not hear music on my mp4,. The music fill the monotonous and boring life of the Chileans ;D

well, this is it ;D